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Day 18 of 21 Days of Prayer Journaling



Here's the Lord's invitation to you before you start...

Get away with me:  Go somewhere you can get away from distractions & it’s easy to think. If you aren't planning to play worship music in the background, consider putting your phone away. If you are playing music, consider placing your phone face down.

Undivided Attention: Ask the Lord to remove all the noise & distractions in your mind. Some days are harder to set it all down, so try praying over your heart and mind something like this, 

"There's enough time for the day and the tasks ahead, even if it doesn't feel like it. I lay it all down and I call my heart and mind to attention in the Lord's presence. Jesus, you have my full attention. If distraction comes, help me to remain uninvolved with anything that may interrupt this one on one time we've set aside for just us."
Journal Prompt: Write a response to the daily prompt.

Tell the Lord what you think or feel about winter time, then ask him if there's anything specific he wants to teach you through the symbolism of the season. If you're not sure how to start, try writing it like a letter. 

Lord, I don't prefer the cold. But the winter invites a slowness I feel refreshed by. What do you want to teach me through the season of winter?

Listen: Take time to listen for the Lord's response to what you shared with him. Maybe you hear him speaking to your spirit. Maybe he brings a scripture to mind. Perhaps it's just silence. If you aren't sure but you think you hear him, write it down. Then pray, "Lord if any of this was not from you let it fall away". If you're not sure you're hearing anything after a minute or two, don't stress over it and move on.
Worship: Take a few minutes to meditate on the scripture and write it down. Note if there is a command, promise or wisdom in the verse. 

John 10:27

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me."

Closing Prayer: Lord, I'm listening. In every season I want to be so aware of your voice. Each season is so intentionally designed. There's always an invitation from you. Particularly in winter, feelings of loneliness, restlessness or tendencies to isolate often rise to the surface. Instead of wishing away winter, refresh our hearts with an invitation to be in community and to be vulnerable with good friends. I'm so grateful you, like a good shepherd, lead the way to what we need and in love expose in us the things we often miss.

See you tomorrow for day nineteen!